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 +======= Using GPUs from GWDG's Compute Cluster =======
 +===== GPGPU - General Purpose Computing on Graphics Processor Units =====
 +GPGPU generalizes the ability of graphics processing units - to operate in parallel on a large number of pixels of a picture - 
 +to perform in parallel numerical operations on a large number of elements of a general array of data.
 +The GPU has a large number of simple processing units which work on data from the GPU's own main memory. 
 +The GPU is attached as a coprocessor via the PCI-bus to a multicore host processor, as shown in the following picture.
 +From the application running on the host suitable parts are split off and transfered for processing to the GPU. There are special 
 +programming environments for specifying the host and coprocessor parts of an application. In particular, NVIDIA provides the 
 +CUDA programming environment for GPGPU with their graphics coprocessors.
 +Compute systems for HPC consist of a large number of nodes connected by a high speed network, each node containing a number of 
 +multicore cpus and a number of attached GPUs.
 +The following notes will describe and explain the different ways to use 
 +single and mulitiple GPUs on GWDG's scientific compute cluster. 
 +===== GPUs on GWDG's Scientific Compute Cluster =====
 +In July 2017, the following nodes in the cluster are equiped with NVIDIA GPUs:
 +  * gwdo161-gwdo180, each with one GeForce GTX 770
 +  * dge001-dge007, each with two GeForce GTX 1080
 +  * dge008-dge014,  each with four GeForce GTX 980
 +  * dge015,          with two GeForce GTX 980
 +  * dte001-dte010,    each with two Tesla K40m
 +The GeForce GPUs are ordinary graphics cards with focus on single precision operations, whereas the Tesla GPU has  
 +a larger main memory and a larger number of cores for double precision operations as needed for numerical intensive applications.
 +This is detailed in the following table with properties of the different NVIDIA models.
 +^ Model ^ Architecture ^  Compute\\  Capability ^  Clock Rate  \\ [MHz]    Memory\\   [GB]   ^ SP Cores ^ DP Cores^
 +^ :::  ^ :::           ^ :::  ^  :::  ^  :::  ^ ::: ^ ::: ^
 +| GeForce GTX 770| Keppler |  3.0  |  1110  |  2  |  1536  |  0  |
 +| GeForce GTX 980| Maxwell |  5.2  |  1126  |  4  |  2048  |  64  |
 +| GeForce GTX 1080| Pascal |  6.1  |  1733  |  8  |  2560  |  80  |
 +|Tesla K40m | Keppler |  3.5  |  745  |  12  |  2280  |  960  |
 +===== A simple CUDA Example =====
 +In the following, a simple application - adding two vectors - will be given as an example showing the basic mechanism for offloding 
 +operations form host to graphics device within the CUDA programming environment. 
 +CUDA is based on a standardized programming language and adds new language constructs to specify the operations to be executed on the GPU,
 +to move data between the memories of host and GPU and to start and synchronize the operations on the GPU. There are CUDA environments 
 +for the C, C++ and Fortran languages. In the example the C language will be used.
 +CUDA programs are stored in files with the suffix **''.cu ''**. A CUDA program consists of one main program to be executed on the host,
 +of functions to be executed on the host and of functions to be executed on the GPU device.
 +Adding two vectors on a GPU is realized by the following program file  **''''**
 +#include <stdio.h>
 +__global__ void add_d( int N, float *a, float *b, float *c ) {
 +  int i = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x*blockDim.x;
 +  if (i < N) c[i] = a[i] + b[i];
 +int main(void) {
 +   int N = 4, i;
 +   float *a, *b, *c;
 +   float *a_d, *b_d, *c_d;
 +   a = (float *)malloc( sizeof(float)*N );
 +   b = (float *)malloc( sizeof(float)*N );
 +   c = (float *)malloc( sizeof(float)*N );
 +   cudaMalloc( &a_d, sizeof(float)*N);
 +   cudaMalloc( &b_d, sizeof(float)*N);
 +   cudaMalloc( &c_d, sizeof(float)*N);
 +   for (i=0; i<N; i++) {
 +      a[i] = i;
 +      b[i] = 2*i;
 +   }
 +   cudaMemcpy(a_d, a, sizeof(float)*N, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
 +   cudaMemcpy(b_d, b, sizeof(float)*N, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
 +   add_d<<<1,N>>>(N,a_d, b_d, c_d);
 +   cudaMemcpy(c, c_d, sizeof(float)*N, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
 +   for(i=0; i<N; i++) {
 +        printf( "%f + %f = %f\n", a[i], b[i], c[i] );
 +  }
 +   cudaFree(a_d); cudaFree(b_d); cudaFree(c_d);
 +In the main program, to be executed on the host, memory is allocated for two sets of three vectors: 
 +  * host memory for **''a,b,c''** by calls to the standart C allocation function **''malloc''**
 +  * device memory for **''a_d,b_d,c_d''** by calls to the CUDA specific allocation function **''cudaMalloc''**
 +After initializing the two input vectors **''a,b''** in host memory, their content is copied from host memory to device memory by calling the
 +CUDA function **''cudaMemcpy''**.
 +The offloading of the add operation onto the device is effected by the call **''%%add_d<<<1,N>>>(N,a_d, b_d, c_d);%%''**
 +This call instructs the device to execute the function  **''add_d''** on a configuratiion of device threads defined by the arguments witin the
 +triple bracket **''%%<<<...>>>%%''**. In this simple example, the device configuration is one threadblock with N threads.
 +The function **''add_d''** is declared with the CUDA attribute **''%%__global__%%''** as a device function to be 
 +executed on the device. Within a device function predefined thread local variables ( **'' threadIdx.x,blockIdx.x,blockDim.x''**) can be accessed
 +which give every thread a unique identity allowing every thread to work on different data.
 +The result of the vector addition is stored on the device memory in **''c_d''**. After transfering the content of this vector to host memory with a
 +further call to a **''cudaMemcpy''** function, the result can be inspected on the host.   
 +For a detailed explanation of CUDAs language constructs and the mechanism of mapping CUDA threads onto the cores in the given GPU
 +consult the [[|Proramming Guide]] in the CUDA Toolkit Documentation. An introduction to GPGPU with CUDA 
 +can be  found in the presentations of the GWDG course "Parallel Computing with CUDA"  at [[]]
 +===== Compiling and Executing CUDA Programs on GWDG's Compute Clusters =====
 +The frontend nodes of GWGD's cluster **''gwdu101, gwdu102, gwdu103''** can be used for program development. The compiler **''nvcc''** 
 +produces executables from CUDA program files. The environment for CUDA must be prepared by loading the corresponding module file with 
 +the command\\ \\ **''module load cuda80''**\\ \\ 
 +Invoking the compile and link steps with\\ \\
 +**''nvcc -arch=sm_30 -o add.exe ''** \\ \\ 
 +produces the executable **''add.exe''**, which now can be started on one of the gpu nodes. With the option **''-arch=sm_30''** code for 
 +using GPUs with Compute Capability 3.0 and higher will be produced, so this executable will run on all GPU models in GWDG's cluster.
 +Jobs on GWDG's cluster are managed by IBM Spectrum LSF (Load Sharing Facility), formerly IBM Platform LSF. Jobs are submitted to various 
 +queues by the **''bsub''** command. The name of the queue for jobs needing a GPU is **''gpu''**. Jobs in this queue will be started on
 +nodes with one or more GPUs. 
 +The executable  **''add.exe''** now can be submitted with the command
 +**''bsub -q gpu -n 1 -R "rusage[ngpus_shared=1]" -o out.%J ./add.exe ''**
 +The option **''-n <x> ''** sets the number of cores to be allocated for the job, for  **''add.exe''** only one core is needed to execute 
 +the host part of the CUDA program.
 +With the option **''-R "rusage[ngpus_shared=<x>]"''** the user declares the amount of gpu-activity of the job. Every node belonging to the 
 +queue **''gpu''** has as many gpu shares as cores, irrespective of its number of gpus. LSF limits the total number of shares requested by the 
 +ngpus_shared parameters of runnig jobs on a node to this maximal number. 
 +A job utilizing permanently all gpus of a node 
 +should be submitted with the maximal value for npgus_shared. This will grant this job the exclusive use of all the node's gpus. 
 +Jobs using the gpu only for a small fraction of its total execution time should use a small value for npgus_shared, 
 +thus allowing other jobs sharing the gpu ressources of this node. In particular 24 jobs can run simultaneously on a node with 24 cores, 
 +if they all have been submitted with parameters **''-n 1    -R "rusage[ngpus_shared=1]"''**.
 +With the option **''-o out.%J''** the output from the submitted job will be written into a file **''out.<jobid>''** in the directory 
 +from which the job was submitted, where **''<jobid>''** is the jobnumber LSF has given to this job. Without  a **''-o''** option 
 +the output of the job will be sent by email to the submitter's email address corresponding to his user id.
 +The options for the **''bsub''** command can be collected into a jobfile. The jobfile **''lsf.job''** for the command given above is
 +#BSUB -q gpu
 +#BSUB -n 1
 +#BSUB -R "rusage[ngpus_shared=1]"
 +#BSUB -o out.%J
 +which can be submitted with the command\\ \\
 +**''bsub < lsf.job''** .
 +More options for the bsub command and the description for other LSF commands can be found at \\
 + \\
 +and in the man pages for the LSF commands.
 +===== Splitting the Program File  =====
 +In order to demonstrate the different ways for using multiple gpus in a unified way, it is convenient to separate the program into two files:\\
 +a file **''main_add.c''**, containing the main program setting up the host environment for the vector addition, and a file **''''** 
 +containing the code for executing the addition on the gpu device.
 +**''main_add.c''** :\\
 +void add(int, int, float *, float *, float *);
 +int main(int argc,char **argv)
 +  int dev_nbr = 0, N = 6, i;
 +  float *a, *b, *c;
 +  a = (float *)malloc( N*sizeof(float) );
 +  b = (float *)malloc( N*sizeof(float) );
 +  c = (float *)malloc( N*sizeof(float) );
 +// Initialize a and b
 +  for (i=0; i<N; i++){
 +       a[i]=i; b[i]=2*i;
 +  }
 +//call function add from file  
 +  add(dev_nbr,N,a,b,c);
 +  for(i=0; i<N; i++) {
 +        printf( "%f + %f = %f\n", a[i], b[i], c[i] );
 +  }
 +\\ \\
 +**''''** :\\
 +__global__ void add_d( int N, float *a, float *b, float *c ) {
 +  int i = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x*blockDim.x;
 +  if (i < N) c[i] = a[i] + b[i];
 +extern "C" void add(int dev_nbr, int n, float *A, float *B, float *C)
 +{ float *a_d, *b_d, *c_d;
 +   cudaSetDevice(dev_nbr);
 +   cudaMalloc( &a_d, sizeof(float)*n);
 +   cudaMalloc( &b_d, sizeof(float)*n);
 +   cudaMalloc( &c_d, sizeof(float)*n);
 +   cudaMemcpy(a_d, A, sizeof(float)*n, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
 +   cudaMemcpy(b_d, B, sizeof(float)*n, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
 +   add_d<<<1,n>>>(n,a_d, b_d, c_d);
 +   cudaMemcpy(C, c_d, sizeof(float)*n, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
 +   cudaFree(a_d); cudaFree(b_d); cudaFree(c_d);
 +In addition to the CUDA commands in the **''''** file, **''''** contains the call to **''cudaSetDevice(dev_nbr)''**.
 +This call sets the number of the device to be used for the execution of the following CUDA code. In the **''main_add.c''** file the value 
 +for  **''dev_nbr''** has been set to 0. For using multiple devices, as explained in the next sections, the function **''add''** will be called 
 +with different values for **''dev_nbr''**.\\ \\
 +Furthermore the
 +**''add''** function declaration is prepended by the **''extern "C"''** qualifier. This instructs the nvcc compiler, which is a c++ compiler, 
 +to make this function callable from the c program in **''man_add.c''** . \\ \\
 +Each of the two files now has to be compiled by the appropriate compiler:
 +gcc -c main_add.c
 +nvcc -c
 +For linking of the two generated object files with the **''gcc''** compiler the CUDA runtime library has to be included with the **''-lcudart''** flag::
 +gcc main_add.o add.o -lcudart -o add.exe
 +The submission of the executable **''add.exe''** to the cluster now can proceed as explained in the previous section.
 +===== Using Several GPUs of a Single Node - Multiple Executables =====
 +Each of the n gpus attached to a single node has a unique device number, running from zero to n-1. By default, a CUDA programm running 
 +on the node will use device number 0.  A specific device **''//device_number//''** can be selected with the CUDA function 
 +**''cudaSetDevice(//device_number//)''**.  All device activities following this function call - memory accesses, kernel invocations - will be using
 +the device **''//device_number//''** .  
 +The simplest way to use the n gpus of a single node in parallel is therefore to prepare n different executables, each with a call 
 +to **''cudaSetDevice''** with a different value for the **''//device_number//''** and then running these executables simultaneously on the node.
 + Let e.g. **''exe0, exe1''** be two executables, one including the function call  **''cudaSetDevice(0)''**, 
 +the other the call **''cudaSetDevice(1)''**). Then by submitting the following jobscript 2 gpus of a node will be used in parallel:
 +#BSUB -q gpu
 +#BSUB -W 1:00
 +#BSUB -o out.%J
 +#BSUB -n 2
 +#BSUB -R "ngpus=2"
 +#BSUB -R "rusage[ngpus_shared=24]"
 +./exe0 > out0 &
 +./exe1 > out1 &
 +This script requires 2 cores of a node belonging to the queue **''gpu''**. Furthermore, by the option **''-R "ngpus=2''**, the job 
 +will be submitted to a node with 2 gpus. The request for 24 gpu shares guaranties the job exclusive use of this node (because in GWDG's
 +cluster all nodes with 2 gpus have 24 cores). The **''&''** after the commands for starting the executables causes the asyncronous execution of 
 +these commands, such that the 2 executables will run simultaneously.
 +===== Using Several GPUs of a Single Node - Multiple Threads =====
 +In a multithreaded execution environment, every thread uses exclusively the device, which is set within the thread by the 
 +**''cudaSetDevice''** command; if no device is set, the thread will use the device with the default device number 0. This mechanism 
 +can be used to distribute work for simultaneous execution on several gpus of a single node. In the following example, the **OpenMP** 
 +programming environment will be employed for the management of multiple threads.  
 +Again the program part for setting up the host environment will be collected into a separate file, **''main_add_omp.c''**, which in this
 +case has to start multiple threads, each of which will call the function add from the file **''''**.  
 +The number of **''num_gpus''** connected to a node can be enquired by a call to the CUDA function
 +**''cudaGetDeviceCount(&num_gpus)''** . This number will be returned in the main part by a call to the function **''devcount()''**, which is 
 +included in the cu-file **''''** :
 +extern "C" int devcount(){
 +  int num_gpus; cudaGetDeviceCount(&num_gpus);
 +  return num_gpus;
 +The main program in **''main_add_omp.c''**  sets the number of threads to be used  
 + by the OpenMP function call
 +**''omp_set_num_threads(num_gpus)''** , 
 +and  this number of threads is started by the OpenMP compiler directive 
 +**''#pragma omp parallel default(shared)''** .\\ \\
 +With the **''default(shared)''** clause every variable declared before this directive will be globally shared, i.e. every thread will 
 +use the same address accessing these variables. On the other hand all variables declared within the parallel region 
 +following the **'' omp parallel''** directive will be threadlocal. \\ \\
 +Within the parallel region the call to the OpenMP function **''int tid  = omp_get_thread_num()''** will set  
 +the local variable **''tid''** in each thread to a different number between 0 and num_gpus-1 . In the call to the fucntion **''add''** the
 +device nummer is set to the local value of **''tid''**, such that every thread will activate the **''add''** function on a different device.  
 +The following code shows how every thread defines its own range of indices, for which the vector addition will be performed.
 +**''main_add_omp.c''** :
 +#include <stdio.h>
 +#include <stdlib.h>
 +#include <omp.h>
 +extern void add(int, int, float *, float *, float *);
 +extern int devcount();
 +int main(void) {
 +   int N = 1000, i;
 +   float *a, *b, *c;
 +   a = (float *)malloc( sizeof(float)*N );
 +   b = (float *)malloc( sizeof(float)*N );
 +   c = (float *)malloc( sizeof(float)*N );
 +   for (i=0; i<N; i++) {
 +      a[i] = i;
 +      b[i] = 2*i;
 +   }
 +// num_gpus: number of gpus on the node
 +   int num_gpus = devcount();
 +   int nrct= N/num_gpus; int nrpl = N -nrct*num_gpus;
 +//activate num_gpus threads
 +   omp_set_num_threads(num_gpus);
 +   #pragma omp parallel default(shared)
 +   { int tid = omp_get_thread_num();
 +// n_loc: number of elements for this thread
 +     int n_loc = nrct; if (tid < nrpl) n_loc = nrct+1;
 +// offs: offset in global vector
 +     int offs = tid*(nrct+1);  if (tid >= nrpl) offs = (tid*nrct+nrpl);
 +// gpu with device number tid adds elements with indices offs to offs+n_loc-1
 +     printf("%i %i %i \n",tid,n_loc,offs);
 +     add(tid,n_loc,&a[offs],&b[offs],&c[offs]);
 +   }
 +   for(i=0; i<3; i++) {
 +        printf( "%f + %f = %f\n", a[i], b[i], c[i] );
 +   }
 +   for(i=N-3; i<N; i++) {
 +        printf( "%f + %f = %f\n", a[i], b[i], c[i] );
 +   }
 +The compilation and link commands for this program are
 +gcc -fopenmp -c main_add.c
 +nvcc -c 
 +gcc -fopenmp main_add.o add.o -lcudart -o add.exe
 +A jobfile for submitting this executable to a node with 2 gpus and requesting exclusive use of the gpus is
 +#BSUB -q gpu
 +#BSUB -W 0:05
 +#BSUB -n 2
 +#BSUB -o out.%J
 +#BSUB -R "ngpus=2"
 +#BSUB -R "rusage[ngpus_shared=24]"
 +===== Using GPUs on Different Nodes - Multiple MPI Tasks =====
 +GWDG's cluster has a number of nodes containing gpus, which are connected by an Infiniband high speed network. In order to use 
 +simultaneously the gpus on different nodes, the message passing MPI framework for distributed computing will be used. The main program file
 +**''main_add_mpi.c''** below contains the code for the MPI tasks to be executed on different nodes, and on each node the 
 +CUDA addition program in **''''** is invoked to perform the addition of the local vector elements on its gpu device with 
 +device number 0.
 +#include "mpi.h"
 +extern   add(int, int, float *, float*, float *);
 +int main(int argc,char **argv)
 +  int N = 1000, i, np, me, ip;
 +  float *a, *b, *c, *a_n, *b_n, *c_n;
 +  MPI_Init(&argc,&argv);
 +  MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD,&np);
 +  MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD,&me);
 +// allocate and initialize global vectors
 +  if (me == 0) { 
 +    a = (float *)malloc( sizeof(float)*N );
 +    b = (float *)malloc( sizeof(float)*N );
 +    c = (float *)malloc( sizeof(float)*N );
 +    for (i=0; i<N; i++) {
 +      a[i] = i;
 +      b[i] = 2*i;
 +    }
 +  }
 +  int nrct= N/np; int nrpl = N -nrct*np;
 +// n_loc: number of elements on this task
 +  int n_loc = nrct; if (me < nrpl) n_loc = nrct+1;
 +// offs: offset in global vector
 +  int offs = me*(nrct+1);  if (me >= nrpl) offs = (me*nrct+nrpl);
 +// task me adds elements of global vector with indices offs to offs+n_loc-1
 +// allocate and initialize local vectors
 +  a_n = (float *)malloc( n_loc*sizeof(float) );
 +  b_n = (float *)malloc( n_loc*sizeof(float) );
 +  c_n = (float *)malloc( n_loc*sizeof(float) );
 +  MPI_Allgather(&offs,1,MPI_INT,displs,1,MPI_INT,MPI_COMM_WORLD);
 +  MPI_Allgather(&n_loc,1,MPI_INT,counts,1,MPI_INT,MPI_COMM_WORLD);
 +  MPI_Scatterv(a,counts,displs,MPI_FLOAT,a_n,counts[me],MPI_FLOAT,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD);
 +  MPI_Scatterv(b,counts,displs,MPI_FLOAT,b_n,counts[me],MPI_FLOAT,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD);
 +  int dev_nbr = 0;
 +  add(dev_nbr,counts[me],a_n,b_n,c_n);
 +  MPI_Gatherv(c_n,counts[me],MPI_FLOAT,c,counts,displs,MPI_FLOAT,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD);
 +  if (me == 0) {
 +    for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
 +        printf( "%f + %f = %f\n", a[i], b[i], c[i] );
 +    }
 +    for(i=N-3; i<N; i++) {
 +        printf( "%f + %f = %f\n", a[i], b[i], c[i] );
 +    }
 +  }
 +  MPI_Finalize();
 +The main program starts by allocationg memory for the global vectors **''a,b,c''** and by initializing the 
 +global input vectors **''a,b''** in task zero. 
 +The first index and the number of indices to be handled by the different tasks are stored in the integer arrays **''displs''** and 
 +**''counts''**. Then memory for local vectors **''a_n,b_n,c_n''** is allocated.  The global input vectors **''a,b''** are distributed 
 +to the corresponding local vectors **''a_n,b_n''** 
 +of the different tasks using the MPI function **''MPI_Scatterv''**. Now every task calls the **''add''** function to perform the addition of its
 +vector pieces on its own gpu device. Finally the local results in **''c_n''** will be collected from the different tasks into the 
 +global vector **''c''** in task 0  with theMPI function **''MPI_Gatherv''**.
 +For the compilation of the MPI code in **''main_add_mpi.c''** a compiler supporting an implemention of MPI has to used. On GWDG's cluster
 +Intel-MPI and OpenMPI are available. The OpenMPI implementation based on the gcc compiler will be used here. The corresponding module file 
 +for OpenMPI must be loaded in addition to the **''cuda80''** module file with the command 
 +module load openmpi/gcc
 +The compile and link steps are
 +mpicc -c main_add_mpi.c
 +nvcc -c 
 +mpicc main_add_mpi.o add.o -lcudart -o add.exe
 +With the following jobfile this executable will be submitted to run on two nodes: 
 +#BSUB -q gpu
 +#BSUB -W 0:05
 +#BSUB -n 2
 +#BSUB -o out.%J
 +#BSUB -m "dte[001-010]"
 +#BSUB -R "span[ptile=1]"
 +#BSUB -R "rusage[ngpus_shared=24]"
 +#BSUB -a openmpi
 +mpirun.lsf ./add.exe
 +The option **''#BSUB -m "dte[001-010]"''** specifies the range of nodes for the execution of the program, with **''#BSUB -R "span[ptile=1]"''** 
 +only one task is running on a node such that the two tasks for this job will run on different nodes and  **''#BSUB "rusage[ngpus_shared=24]""''** will give 
 +exclusive use of the nodes' gpu for this job.
 +===== Using GPUs on Different Nodes - More than One GPU per Node =====
 +The previous section describes the use of multiple gpus from different nodes, with the restriction that on every node only one gpu is used. 
 +But most of the nodes in GWDG's cluster equipped with gpus have two or more devices. The MPI parallelization can easily be generalized to
 +allow several devices on each node to be used. With the MPI function **''MPI_Get_processor_name''** every task can determine the node 
 +it is running on. The function **''dev_nbr_node''** collects the node names for all tasks into a list and determines for each task number 
 +a device number, such that tasks running on the same node get different device numbers: \\ \\
 +int dev_nbr_node(int tid) {
 +    int me, np, ip;
 +    MPI_Comm_rank( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &me );
 +    MPI_Comm_size( MPI_COMM_WORLD, &np );
 +    int namelen = 60, len;
 +    char names[np][namelen],name[namelen];
 +    MPI_Get_processor_name( name, &len );
 +    MPI_Allgather( name, namelen, MPI_CHAR, names, namelen, MPI_CHAR, MPI_COMM_WORLD );
 +    int ct = -1, dev_nbr;
 +    for (ip=0; ip<np; ip++) {
 +      if (strcmp(names[me],names[ip])==0){
 +         ct = ct + 1;
 +         if (tid == ip) dev_nbr = ct;
 +      }
 +    }
 +  return dev_nbr;
 +The compile and link steps for this generalization of the combined MPI-CUDA program are the same as in the previous section.  
 +An example for a jobfile for the submission of a job using a total of 4 gpus on two nodes is the following:
 +#BSUB -q gpu
 +#BSUB -W 0:05
 +#BSUB -n 4
 +#BSUB -o out.%J
 +#BSUB -m "dte[001-010]"
 +#BSUB -R "span[ptile=2]"
 +#BSUB -R "rusage[ngpus_shared=24]"
 +#BSUB -a openmpi
 +mpirun.lsf ./a.out
 +The use of multiple gpus in multiple nodes can also be achieved with an hybrid approach by starting one MPI task on every node and by 
 +spawning in every task as many OMP threads as gpus to be used on the node.  
 +===== A Real World Application: Diffusion =====
 +In the vector addition example every gpu just had to add its share of elements of the two vectors, no information had to be exchanged 
 +between different gpus. In the following the simulation of diffusion on a two-dimensional grid will be discussed as an application, 
 +in which data exchange between different gpus is required. Diffusion describes the change of some property , e.g. 
 +temperatur, over time in a given domain of space,
 +starting from a given initial distribution of this property and given fixed values for the property on the boundary of the domain.  
 +Diffusion will be simulated by calculating a new value of the property to be diffused at a grid point by combining the old values on this point 
 +and on the four neighbouring points, and iterating this update procedure a number of times.
 +The following picture shows in its upper part the two dimensional grid of size N x N of values u(i1,i2), where each index runs from 0 to N-1.
 +Only the values of the inner grid points with i1,i2 = 1,..,n=N-2 will be updated, the boundary values with i1 = 0 or N-1 and i2 = 0 or N-1 
 +will stay fixed at their values given by the boundary condition of the problem. In the memory the two dimensinal array u(i1,i2) will be stored as 
 +a one dimensional contiguous sequence of values u(i), i = 0,...,N*N-1. The lower part of the picture visualizes the mapping u(i1,i2) -> u(i)
 +with the choice i = i2+N*i1, correponding do string together the rows of the two dimensional array. Also shown in the picture is the 
 +neighbourhood for updating the value on a particular point, both in the two dimensional and the linear setting.   
 +The c-function ''**update**'' calculates the update for the general situation of a rectangular grid of size (n1+2)*n2+). 
 +It reads the old values of the property from arrray u and stores the updated values in array v. Notice that all (n1+2)*(n2+2) elements 
 +of array a with the old values are needed in order to calculate the inner n1*n2 elements of array v with the updated values.
 +void update (int n1, int n2, float *u, float *v)
 +   int i1, i2, i;
 +   float r = 0.2f, s = 1.f - 4.f*r;
 +   for ( i2 = 1; i2 <= n2 ; i2++ ) {
 +      for ( i1 = 1; i1 <= n1 ; i1++ ) {
 +         i = i2 +(n2+2)*i1;
 +         v[i] = s*  u[i]
 +            + r * ( u[i-1] + u[i+1]  + u[i-n2-2] +u[i+n2+2]);
 +      }
 +   }
 +The corresponding cuda-function ''**update_d**'' to be executed on a gpu is
 +__global__ void update_d( int n1, int n2, const float * __restrict__ u,
 +float* __restrict__ v) {
 +  int i2  = 1+threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x*blockDim.x;
 +  int i1  = 1+threadIdx.y + blockIdx.y*blockDim.y;
 +  int i = i2 + (n2+2)*i1;
 +  float r = 0.2f, s = 1 - 4*r;
 +  if( i1 <= n1 && i2 <= n2 ) v[i] = s*  u[i]
 +       + r * ( u[i-1] + u[i+1]  + u[i-n2-2] +u[i+n2+2]);
 +As in the vector addition example the complete code for the simulation of diffusion will be split into two parts: a file main_diff.c 
 +containing the main program and all functions with code to be executed on the host, and a file containing all functions 
 +containing code to be executed on a gpu.
 +Main program:
 +int main (int argc, char **argv)
 +   int n, nt, n_thrds;
 +/* ------------ input of run parameters ---------------- */
 +   scanf("%d %d ", &nt, &n);
 +   printf("\nEingegebene Werte: \n  nt = %d,\t n = %d\n", nt, n);
 +/* ------------ allocate global array ------- */
 +   int size_gl = (n+2)*(n+2)*sizeof(float); float *u; u = malloc( size_gl );
 +/* ------------ initialize initial and boundary values ------- */
 +   initialize (n, u);
 +/* --------- itertate updates -------------- */
 +   diffusion(n,nt,u);
 +/* ------------ output of results ------------------------------ */
 +   printf("\n\n mean value for field: %16.14f \n", mean_value(n,u));
 +The main program invokes the function ''**diffusion**'', whose definition, containing cuda code, is stored in ''****'':
 +extern "C" void diffusion(int n, int nt, float *u_h)
 +  int il, size = (n+2)*(n+2)*sizeof(float);
 +  float *u; cudaMalloc((void **) &u, size);
 +  float *v; cudaMalloc((void **) &v, size);
 +  cudaMemcpy(u, u_h, size, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice); 
 +  cudaMemcpy(v, u_h, size, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice); 
 +  int blksz_x = 32, blksz_y = 32;
 +  int grdsz_x = (n+2+blksz_x-1)/blksz_x, grdsz_y = (n+2+blksz_y-1)/blksz_y;
 +  dim3 blks(blksz_x,blksz_y); dim3 grds(grdsz_x,grdsz_y);
 +  for ( il = 1; il<=nt; il++) {
 +    update_d<<<grds,blks>>>(n,n,u,v);
 +    update_d<<<grds,blks>>>(n,n,v,u);
 +  }
 +  cudaMemcpy(u_h, u, size, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
 +  cudaFree(u); cudaFree(v);
 +As in the vector addition case, the function ''**diffusion**''to be invoked from the c program must have the qualifier ''**extern "C"**''.
 +The execution configuration ''**%%<<<grds,blks>>>%%**'' is a two dimensional set of (n+2) x (n+2) threads. This allows the 
 +simple specification of the indices of the inner points of the property field in the device function ''**update_d**''
 +Since a single block of threads in cuda can have at most 1024 threads, this two dimensional set is partitioned into 
 +a two dimensional grid of two dimensional blocks of threads.
 +The complete files ''**main_diff.c**'' and ''**diff_single_gpu**'' can be found 
 + [[|here]].
 +===== Parallel Diffusion with Multiple GPUs =====
 +The obvious way to simulate diffusion on ''**n_gpu**'' devices is to distribute the ''**n*n**'' values of the property field among the available
 +devices, e.g. in a row-wise manner as shown in the following picture.
 +In order to calculate the updated values for its own rows, each device not only needs the old values in these rows but also the old values
 +of the boundary rows, which belong to the neighbouring devices. Therefore after each update step in the diffusion function the devices 
 +have to exchange their first and last rows with the neighbouring devices. Because each device memory can communicate only with the host memory,
 +the data exchange between devices proceeds in three steps:
 +  - each device copies the first and last row of newly calculated values to separate places in host memory
 +  - in host memory, the rows coming from neighbouring devices are exchanged in an appropriate way
 +  - each device copies from host memory the needed boundary rows
 +The main program and other functions with c code will be collected in ''**main_diff_omp.c**''
 +int main (int argc, char **argv)
 +   int n, nt, n_gpus;
 +   float *u;
 +/* ------------ input of run parameters ---------------- */
 +   scanf("%d %d %d", &n_gpus, &nt, &n);
 +   printf("\nEingegebene Werte: \n n_thrds = %d, nt = %d,\t n = %d\n", n_gpus, n
 +t, n);
 +/* ------------ allocate global array ------- */
 +   int size_gl = (n+2)*(n+2)*sizeof(float); u = malloc( size_gl );
 +/* ------------ initialize initial and boundary values ------- */
 +   initialize (n, u);
 +/* ------------ allocate boundary arrays------- */
 +   int size_h = (n+2)*n_gpus*sizeof(float);
 +   cpf = malloc( size_h ); cpl = malloc( size_h );
 +   /* --------- set up partioning according to the number of gpus-- */
 +   int nrct= n/n_gpus; int nrpl = n -nrct*n_gpus;
 +   omp_set_num_threads(n_gpus);
 +   #pragma omp parallel default(shared)
 +   { int tid = omp_get_thread_num();
 +     double tl =get_el_time();
 +// n_rows: number of rows to be updated by this thread
 +     int n_rows = nrct; if (tid < nrpl) n_rows = nrct+1;
 +// offs: offset of local array
 +     int offs = tid*(nrct+1);  if (tid >= nrpl) offs = (tid*nrct+nrpl);
 +     offs = offs*(n+2);
 +   /* --------- itertate -------------- */
 +     diffusion(tid,n_gpus,n_rows,n,nt,&u[offs]); 
 +   }
 +/* ------------ output of results ------------------------------ */
 +   printf("\n\n mean value for field: %16.14f \n", mean_value(n,u));
 +In addition to the case of a single gpu, the ''**main**''-function here allocates copy arrays ''**cpf**'' and ''**cpl**'', 
 +each of size ''**n_gpus*n*sizeof(float)**'', which will store the first rsp. last row of each gpu's array partition.
 +Then ''**n_gpus**'' threads are generated and the number of rows to be updated by each gpu and the offset of each gpu's array partition in
 +the global array is determined, before each thread calls the function ''**diffusion**'', which now has the thread id and the total number of
 +threads as additional parameters.
 +''**main_diff_omp**'' contains also the thread local function to exchange the copies of first and last rows coming from neighbouring gpus, 
 +which will be invoked from the ''**diffusion**'' function in ''****'' :
 +void *cpf, cpl;
 +void exchange(int tid, int n_gpus, int n, float *linef, float *linel)
 +  int sil = n*sizeof(float);
 +  if (n_gpus>1)
 +  {
 +    memcpy(&cpf[tid*n],linef,sil); memcpy(&cpl[tid*n],linel,sil);
 +    #pragma omp barrier
 +    if (tid ==0)
 +    { memcpy(linel,&cpf[(tid+1)*n],sil); }
 +    else if (tid==n_gpus-1)
 +    { memcpy(linef,&cpl[(tid-1)*n],sil); }
 +    else
 +    { memcpy(linel,&cpf[(tid+1)*n],sil);
 +      memcpy(linef,&cpl[(tid-1)*n],sil); }
 +    #pragma omp barrier
 +  }
 +Of course, the gpu working on the first partition of the array only exchanges a row with its lower neighbour and the gpu working
 +on the last partition only exchanges a row with its upper neighbour. The ''**omp barrier**'' pragmas are important, they ensure that all gpus
 +have finished the updates of their partition, such that the new value of first and last rows are available for exchange.
 +The ''**diffusion**'' function in ''****'' is the following:
 +extern "C" void diffusion(int tid, int n_gpus, int n1, int n2, int nt, float *u_h)
 +  int il, size = (n1+2)*(n2+2)*sizeof(float), sil = n2*sizeof(float);
 +  float *linef; linef= (float *)malloc(sil); float *linel; linel = (float *)malloc(sil);
 +  cudaSetDevice(tid);
 +  float *u; cudaMalloc((void **) &u, size); 
 +  float *v; cudaMalloc((void **) &v, size); 
 +  cudaMemcpy(u, u_h, size, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice); 
 +  cudaMemcpy(v, u, size, cudaMemcpyDeviceToDevice); 
 +  int blksz_x = 1024, blksz_y = 1;
 +  int grdsz_x = (n2+2+blksz_x-1)/blksz_x, grdsz_y = (n1+2+blksz_y-1)/blksz_y;
 +  dim3 blks(blksz_x,blksz_y); dim3 grds(grdsz_x,grdsz_y);
 +  for ( il = 1; il<=nt; il++) {
 +    update_d<<<grds,blks>>>(n1,n2,u,v); 
 +    border(tid, n_ngpus, n1, n2, v , linef, linel);
 +    update_d<<<grds,blks>>>(n1,n2,v,u);
 +    border(tid, n_gpus, n1, n2, u , linef, linel);
 +  }
 +  cudaMemcpy(u_h, u, size, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost); 
 +  cudaFree(u); cudaFree(v);
 +The only difference to the analogous function for the single gpu case are the additional parameters ''**tid**'' and ''**n_gpus**'' which are
 +needed to differentiate the work on the different gpus and the invoking of the ''**border**'' function after every update. This function 
 +is responsible for the exchange of boundary rows between the gpus and has the following form:
 +extern "C" void border(int tid, int n_gpus, int n1, int n2, float *v , float *linef, float *linel){
 +    int sil = n2*sizeof(float);
 +    cudaMemcpy(linef,&v[1+n2+2],sil,cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost); 
 +    cudaMemcpy(linel,&v[1+n1*(n2+2)],sil,cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
 +    exchange(tid,n_gpus,n2,linef,linel);
 +    if (n_gpus>1)
 +      {
 +        if (tid ==0)
 +      { cudaMemcpy(&v[1+(n1+1)*(n2+2)],linel,sil,cudaMemcpyHostToDevice); }
 +      else if (tid==n_gpus-1)
 +      { cudaMemcpy(&v[1],linef,sil,cudaMemcpyHostToDevice); }
 +      else
 +      { cudaMemcpy(&v[1+(n1+1)*(n2+2)],linel,sil,cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
 +        cudaMemcpy(&v[1],linef,sil,cudaMemcpyHostToDevice); }
 +    }
 +The full code for the multi-gpu simulation of diffusion in the files ''**main_diff_omp.c**'' and ''**diff_multi_gpu**'' can be found 
 +[[Kategorie: Scientific Computing]]
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