Solved: Network-Outage

Meldungsnummer: 202105271705
 27.05.2021, 15:15 bis 15:50 Uhr
: GWDG-services for users outside of the GÖNET/ the perimeter firewall
      GÖNET behind the perimeter firewall (mainly Uni-Institutes, GWDG EDPC, Studentenwerk)
Auswirkungen: Severe impairment, mostly total failure
    Individual services still only slowly accessible up to 30min later

After replacing the perimeter firewall between the Internet and the campus network of, among others, the University of Göttingen, GWDG and UMG in the early hours of the morning, external influences unfortunately led to an overload situation starting at about 15:10, which was not visible in this way in the previous tests.

Together with our support partner, we were able to determine and activate configuration parameters to handle this for this case and also in the future, even for similar, much larger situations, without restrictions to regular traffic.

Correlated to the network problem, the solution of this problem led to availability problems of individual services. These had to handle the simultaneous ‘rush’ of all users after.


