Solved: Outlook
in Operating news, Email, Operating news

Zeitraum16.06.2017, until 09:40
Betroffen: Users of Exchange
Auswirkungen: Connection to Outlook working again

The problems that Outlook clients cannot connect to our Exchange servers have been resolved. [...]

Malfunction: Outlook
in Operating news, Email, Operating news

Affected: Kunden der GWDG
Impact: Anmeldung über Outlook nicht möglich

Zur Zeit kommt es vermehrt zu Problemen bei der Anmeldung bei Outlook. Die Anmeldung über ist nicht betroffen.

Wir sind bemüht, [...]

Information: Interruption of the power supply at the Max-Planck-Campus (new date!) and FMZ
in All, Operating news, Email, Fileservice, Network, Operating news

Message-No.: 201706061530
Time: July 21th and July 22nd, 2017
Affected: GWDG customers
Impact: Several services will be unavailable

Juli 21st, 2017: Please note the updated message:

Original text from June 6th, 2017:

Am 22. Juli 2017 wird von [...]

Warning: Phishingmail circulating
in Operating news, Email, Operating news, Security

Message-Id: 201704281806
Time: 28/04/2017
Affected: Users with mailboxes
Impact: Delivery of a phishing message

Unfortunately, the following phishing e-mail was delivered to some of our users at around 5:45pm:


Your email account subscription has expired and your email [...]

Solved: Outlook Auto Discover Function
in Operating news, Email, Operating news

Message-No.: 201704250939
Time: April 24th till April 25th, 2017
Betroffen: Outlook users
Auswirkungen: connection problems solved

In cooperation with Microsoft the problems with the auto-discover feature of Exchange/Outlook could be solved. These problems were probably caused by interactions due to [...]

Solved: E-Mail Services
in Operating news, Email, Operating news

Message-ID: 201703140900
Time: 14.03.2017, 2 pm -5 pm
Affected: all user of E-Mail services
Impact: occasional troubles with E-Mail services

The reported e-Mail issue from yesterday afternoon is fixed shortly yesterday after it was reported by restarting the Webserver service. [...]

Malfunction: E-Mail Services
in Email, Operating news

Message-ID: 201703140900
Time: 14.03.2017, 2 pm
Affected: all user of E-Mail services
Impact: occasional troubles with E-Mail services

There are occasional troubles with E-Mail services. It could affect the deletion and moving of E-Mails. The exact [...]

Warning: Phishingmail circulating
in Operating news, Email, Operating news, Security

Message-Id: 201702091202
Time: 09/02/2017 – 11:15am
Affected: Users with mailboxes
Impact: Delivery of a phishing message

Unfortunately, the following phishing e-mail was delivered to some of our users at around 11:15am:


Session Expired/Timeout

Due to user inactivity, your GWDG [...]

Solved: Incoming E-Mails
in Email, Operating news

Message-Id: 201701281800
Time: since Jan 28th, 4pm - 8pm
Affected: 303 mailboxes
Impact: incoming e-mails are delivered to the inbox

Since successfully moving some mailboxes, the load of the malfunctioning database was reduced so all incoming e-mails (which were stuck [...]

Malfunction: Incoming E-Mails (Update)
in Email, Operating news

Message-Id: 201701281800
Time: since Jan 28th, 4pm
Affected: 303 mailboxes
Impact: incoming e-mails are not delivered

Due to the database problems of Jan 23rd, 303 mailboxes have to be moved to another database. After this process (we expect to have [...]

Behoben: Störung E-Mail-Service
in Email, Operating news

Meldungsnummer: 201701230950
Zeitraum: 23.01.2017, 09:35 Uhr – 12:00 Uhr
Betroffen: einige Nutzer
Auswirkungen: Zugriff auf E-Mail-Postfach wieder möglich

Der Zugriff auf die E-Mail-Postfächer ist nun weider uneingeschränkt möglich.

Hintergrund: Ein Mailboxdatenbankpaar war defekt und konnte nicht gemountet werden. Kunden, die [...]

Störung: E-Mail-Service
in Email, Operating news

Meldungsnummer: 201701230950
Zeitraum: 23.01.2017, ab 09:35 Uhr
Betroffen: einige Nutzer
Auswirkungen: kein Zugriff auf E-Mail-Postfach

Aufgrund eines Datenbankfehlers können einige Nutzer zur Zeit nicht auf ihr Exchange-Postfach zugreifen.
An der Behebung des Problems wird intensiv gearbeitet. [...]

Update #3: Begin of Migration to Exchange 2016
in Email, Operating news

Message-Id: 201612161700
Time: beginning on January 23rd, 2017
Affected: users of the Exchange evironment
Impact: new webinterface (OWA), migration of the mailbox

The start of commissioning the Exchange 2016 email service by first migrating the web access (OWA) from Exchange [...]


