Message-Id : 201811201010
Time: 20.11.2018 since ca 08:30 P.M.
Affected: all GWDG users
Impact: delivery of a phishing e-mail
A phising e-mail is currently circulating again. More information [...]
Message-Id: 201811091530
Time: 09.11.2018 since ca 1:30 pm
Affected: all GWDG users
Impact: delivery of a phishing e-mail
A phising e-mail is currently circulating again. More information [...]
Message-Id : 201811081130
Time: 08.11.2018 since ca 11:30 Uhr
Affected: all GWDG users
Impact: delivery of a phishing e-mail
A phising e-mail is currently circulating again. More information [...]
Meldungsnummer: 201811081000Zeitraum: 8 o clock to 10 o clockBetroffen: Users of ExchangeAuswirkungen: Filing of Mails to Junk-folder
Because of the adjustment of some filter rules it it possible that Exchange-internal mail has been sorted into the junk-folder. [...]
Message-Id : 201811080700
Time: 08.11.2018 since ca 7:00 Uhr
Affected: all GWDG users
Impact: delivery of a phishing e-mail
A phising e-mail is currently circulating again. More information [...]
Message-Id : 201811071120
Time: 07.11.2018 since ca 11:15 Uhr
Affected: all GWDG users
Impact: delivery of a phishing e-mail
A phising e-mail is currently circulating again. More information [...]
Message-Id: 201808221020
Time: 22.08.2018
Affected: User of Outlook 2011 under macOS
Impact: More problems in Outlook 2011 under macOS
Recently, more and more problems have been occurring among users who still use Outlook 2011 for Mac under macOS. Regarding this [...]
Message-Id: 201807030820 Time: since 7:00 amAffected: all GWDG usersImpact: delivery of a phishing e-mail
A phising e-mail is currently circulating again. More information [...]
Message-Id: 201807021455 Time: since 1:30 pmAffected: all GWDG usersImpact: delivery of a phishing e-mail
A phising e-mail is currently circulating again. More information [...]
MessageID: 201805301000
Time: 30.05.2018
Affected: Nutzer der GWDG
Impact: Mehrere GWDG-Dienste gestört
Leider hat die gestrige Störung heute Morgen zu einigen Teilstörungen bei verschiedenen Diensten geführt. Wir arbeiten an der Beseitigung der Probleme.
Bitten melden Sie auftretende Probleme und Störungen [...]
Message-Id: 201805131101 Time: since 13.05.2018, 2:17 amAffected: all GWDG usersImpact: delivery of a phishing e-mail
A phishing e-mail is currently circulating again. More information … [...]
Message-Id: 201805081200 Time: since 07.05.2018Affected: all email userImpact: emails not delivered
Again the email from GWDG mail server are not delivered to Microsoft public domains (outlook/live/hotmail), unfortunately, we do not receive any failure notification from Microsoft, but we [...]
Message-Id: 201804090800
Time: since 09.04.2018, 8:00 am
Affected: all GWDG users
Impact: delivery of two phishing e-mails
Two phishing e-mails are currently circulating again. More information … [...]
Message-Id: 201804061140
Time: since 06.04.2018, 11:00 am
Affected: all GWDG users
Impact: delivery of a phishing e-mail
A phishing e-mail is currently circulating again. More information … [...]
Particularly within the last weeks so called phishing e-mails were repeatedly sent to many of our users. Such e-mails are sent by attackers which try to mislead recipients by warnings, threats or rewards to follow links included in the actual [...]
MessageID: 201803281625
Time frame: 28.03.2018
Affected: Users with a GWDG mailbox
Consequences: Received a phishing mail
Some customers received the following e-mail:
Liebe Georg-August-Universität Göttingen E-Mail-Konto Benutzer,
Ihr E-Mail-Konto wurde vom System Mail-Administrator aufgrund von
ungewöhnlichen Aktivitäten in Ihrem E-Mail-Konto [...]
MessageID: 201803281230
Time frame: 28.03.2018
Affected: Users with a GWDG mailbox
Consequences: Received a phishing mail
Some customers received the following e-mail:
Eingehende Nachricht aus dem Büro der Präsidentin Prof. Dr. Ulrike Beisiegel bitte auf das Portal der Universität [...]
Meldungsnummer: 201803231015
Zeitraum: 23.03.2018
Betroffen: Users with GWDG mail account
Auswirkungen: Received a phishing mail
Unfortunately, the following phishing e-mail was delivered to some of our users at around 12:45pm:
Mitarbeiter / Mitarbeiter Dringlichkeit.
Um alle Mitarbeiter / Mitarbeiter [...]
MessageID: 201803220645
Time: ab 22.03.2018, etwa 2:00 Uhr – 7:20 Uhr
Affected: E-Mail Dienst
Impact: Störung bei der Nutzung
Aufgrund einer Spamwelle war die GWDG auf einer Blacklist gelandet und somit war der E-Mailversand gestört. Das Problem wurde bereits behoben [...]
MessageID: 201803220645
Time: ab 22.03.2018, etwa 2:00 Uhr
Affected: E-Mail Dienst
Impact: Störung bei der Nutzung
Aufgrund einer Störung kann es zu Problemen bei der Nutzung des E-Mail Dienstes kommen.
An einer Lösung wird bereits gearbeitet.
Wir bitten um Entschuldigung [...]
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