Message-Id: 202105150930 Time: 05/15/2021, 10AM to 5PM Affected: Academic Cloud ownCloud users Impact: The Academic Cloud ownCloud service will not be available.
The Academic Cloud ownCloud service will not be available on Saturday, May 15th from 10AM to 5PM due
Message-Id: 202105070900 Time: Saturday, 08.05.2021, 08:00 to Sunday, 09.05.2021, 15:00 Affected: GWDG Cloud Server service Impact: VMs cannot be managed. Running VMs are not affected and are still accessible.
Unfortunately, the maintenance work had to be extended into Sunday, but [...]
Message-Id: 202105070900 Time: Saturday, 08.05.2021, 08:00 to 18:00 Affected: GWDG Cloud Server service Impact: VMs cannot be managed. Running VMs are not affected and are still accessible.
On Saturday, 08.05.2021, extensive maintenance work will be performed on the GWDG Cloud [...]
Message-Id: 202104190858 Time: 22.04.2021 5:00pm – 7:00 pm Affected: GWDG Cloud Server service user Impact: Servers can not be managed. Running servers are unaffected and still reachable.
The maintenance on GWDG Cloud Server services has been completed. [...]
Message-ID: 202104201400 Time period: 20.04.2021, since 13:30h Affected: Users of HedgeDoc/Pad Impact: HedgeDoc/Pad not available
Due to a malfunction the service HedgeDoc/Pad ( is currently unavailable.
We work hard on solving the malfunction as soon as possible. [...]
Message-Id: 202104190858 Time: 22.04.2021 5:00pm – 7:00 pm Affected: GWDG Cloud Server service user Impact: Servers can not be managed. Running servers are unaffected and still reachable.
On Thursday 22.04.2021, maintenance work on the GWDG Cloud Server service will be [...]
Message-Id: 202104071718 Time: 07.04.2021 17:18 Affected: All AcademicCloud/Owncloud users Impact: Access to AcademicCloud/OwnCloud possible again
We detected a bottleneck in the Academic Cloud ownCloud configuration and solved it.
The configuration caused a second request for each access to the storage [...]
Message-Id: 202103041105 Time: 04.03.2021, 17-19 Uhr Affected: Users of the GWDG Cloud Server Service Impact: Access to VMs without public IPs is possible again
The maintenance was finished successfully.
Access to VMs without a public (floating) IP is possible again. [...]
Meldungsnummer: 202103041105 Zeitraum: 04.03.2021, 17-19 Uhr Betroffen: Nutzer des GWDG Cloud Server Dienstes Auswirkung: Neue Netze können während der Wartung nicht angelegt werden. VMs die keine öffentliche (Floating) IP haben können kurzzeitig die Netzwerkverbindung verlieren.
Meldungsnummer: 202102261615 Zeitraum: ab 26.02.2021 Betroffen: GWDG Cloud Server Nutzer Auswirkungen: Auswirkung auf das Starten einer virtuellen Maschine
Das Erstellen neuer Virtueller Maschinen über das GWDG Cloud Server – Self-Service auf ist weiterhin nicht möglich.