In the first week of July 2022, two large HPC conferences are taking place in the historical building of the SUB. They are planned back-to-back, such that all interested can easily join both.
First, the two Centers for National High Performance Computing (NHR) NHR@Göttingen (Gesellschaft für wissenschaftliche Datenverarbeitung mbH Göttingen (GWDG) – University of Göttingen) and NHR@ZIB (Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB) – Berlin University Alliance) will host the „HLRN Open User Conference” on July 4 and 5, 2022.
The HLRN Open User Conference focuses on two parallel tracks on „Simulations in Life Sciences” and „HPC methods”. The first track is dedicated to the presentation of recent scientific contributions from the Life Sciences application area that have been made possible by the use of HPC resources. The second track will take a closer look at developments in new HPC methods.
Directly following on July 5 and 6, 2022, the two NHR centers NHR@Göttingen and NHR@TUD (Center for Information Services and High Performance Computing (ZIH) – Technische Universität Dresden) will host the „Proud and Strong in Computing Conference” (PSCC).
The PSCC has defined several goals. Besides raising awareness for under-represented and marginalized groups in HPC and related disciplines and improving the visibility of role models from these groups, (future) fostering opportunities for these groups and adding workforce diversity to our our research fields will be discussed.
More information, e.g. , on the registration and the Call for Contributions, , is available on the conference pages and