Update #1: Malfunction Storage System of ESX Cluster

Message-Id: 201908152044
Time: August 15th 2019 since 7:47 PM
Affected: Users of the GWDG
Impact: Services unavailable

Due to storage system issues on our ESX Cluster, several GWDG services are currently unavailable. This affects the student home directories, university group shares, storage of the MPG-Generalverwaltung, eduroam, ownCloud and the GWDG homepage.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

Update #1: Following service are available again:

  • ownCloud
  • Student home directories
  • University group shares
  • GWDG homepage
  • Unix mailer

However, the following service are not yet available:

  • Eduroam/GuestOnCampus
  • University wiki pages
  • Identity Management


