Maintenance: WLAN maintenance on 25.02.2016

Message-Id: 201602241018
Time: 25.02.2016, 5:00 pm – 25.02.2016, 7:00 pm
Affected: WLAN (except newly installed Cisco APs)
Impact: Repeated short interruptions


To improve the WLAN stability the connections between the WLAN controllers of the WLAN build from components of the vendor Juniper must be reorganised. During this reorganisation all accesspoints (APs) will lose their connection to the controllers at least once and will reboot. In this moment short interruptions für local users of this APs must be expected.

Locations, which were equipt with APs from Cisco since last autumn, will not be effected by this maintenance (especially Juridicum, Geiststr. and Convention centre Alte Mensa).

We apologize for any inconvenience.


