Message-Id: 201811161155
Time: 22.11.2018 5 p.m. - 7 p.m.
Affected: UNIX HOME Directories (UNI, MPG), Windows HOME Directories (MPG,GWDG), Archive Service, GDZ Worker (SUB), Bioinfo, Crashplan, Textgrid
Impact: File Service not accessable
On Thursday, November 22th 2018 the file stystem will be updated to the most recent version (SN 6.1).
During this maintenance time several tests will be performed. This could cause issues of accessing files.
We apologize for any inconvenience.
Affected are the following services:
– UNIX HOME Directories (UNI, MPG)
– Windows HOME Directories (GWDG, MPG)
– Archive Service
– GDZ Worker of the SUB
– File-Sevice BIOINFO
– Crashplan
– Textgrid