Maintenance StorNext Fileservice on 16.04.2020 from 17:00 pm

Message-Id: 202004081840
Time: 16.04.2020 5 p.m. till 17.04.2020 8 p.m.
Affected: HOME directories and special directories of the HPC environment: UNI10, UNI09, UNI08 UNI06 ,UNI05, MPG06,MPG08, MPG05,ZBHF
Impact: File Service not accessible

On Thursday, April 16th, 2020, the file service for our HPC environment will be updated. These updates imply a reconfiguration of the meta data thus a downtime will be needed. The downtime will start on  April 16th 2020 at 5 p.m. and is supposed to be finished the next morning  at 8 a.m. During this time the following directories will not be accessible: UNI10, UNI09, UNI08, UNI06 ,UNI05, MPG06,MPG08, MPG05, ZBHF. I. e. applications using these directories will not  be able to work. These directories are also used in other environments e.g. login and Samba service or in vSphere/ESX virtual machines.  For applications in these environments the file service will be discontinued too. UNIX services that are not based on the affected directories will stay operational.


