Message-Id: 202002031355
Time: 06.02.2020 5 p.m. – 7 p.m.
Affected: UNIX HOME Directories UNI08, MPG08
Impact: The filesystems UNI08 and MPG08 are not accessible
As a side effect several CDSTAR instances and are affected and therefore not accessible.
In order to optimize the performance of the HPC filesystems (UNI08 and
MPG08) maintenance work will be performed on Thursday, February 6th.
Therefore a downtime is needed from 5 p.m. till about 7 p.m.; during this
time users whose home directories are located on UNI08 or MPG08 will not
be able to access their files.
Affected are the following services:
– UNIX HOME Directories UNI08, MPG08