Maintenance: Upgrade of (Grafana)
in Operating news

Message-ID: 202109151500
Time: Maintenance window Thursday, 16.09.2021, 18:00 – 18:30
Affected: Users of
Impact: Web-UI (Grafana) of not accessible

Due to an upgrade of Grafana (v7.5.7 -> v8.1.3) the web interface of will not be available for [...]

Maintenance: SharePoint Maintenance on 25.09.2021
in Operating news, Operating news

Message-ID: 202109150930
Time: 25.09.2021 07:00 – 18:00
Affected: SharePoint farms
Impact: All website collections will temporarily unavailable

SharePoint maintenance

The GWDG SharePoint farms will be under maintenance and will be not available. This will affect all Site-Collections starting with one [...]

in All, Operating news

Message-Id: 202109111514
Time: 11.09.2021, known since 2 pm
Affected: Users of
Impact: Service is possibly not available

There is a malfunction on the service, the service may not be available. We are working on a solution. [...]

Maintenance: IPAM-System
in All, Operating news, Operating news

Ticket-Id: 202109081659
Time period:  09.09.2021, 5:15 till 5:30 PM
Affected: Website of the IP address management
Consequences: Virtual Host of the IPAM system

SInce the virtual IPAM host needs to be migrated to a different ESX 

Information: Rechenzentrum am 08.09.2021 von 10:00 Uhr bis ca. 11:00 Uhr aufgrund einer Betriebsversammlung telefonisch nicht erreichbar
in All

Meldungsnummer: 202109071135
Zeitraum: 08.09.2021, 10:00 Uhr – 11:00 Uhr
Betroffen: Kunden der GWDG
Auswirkungen: Support-Hotline und Mitarbeiter telefonisch nicht erreichbar

Aufgrund einer Betriebsversammlung sind die GWDG-Hotline, Sekretariat und Mitarbeiter der GWDG im genannten Zeitraum telefonisch nicht erreichbar. Für Anfragen benutzen [...]


