Malfunction: Windows-Fileservice
in Operating news

Message-Id: 201608090840
Time: 08/09/2016 8:40am
Affected: Windows fileservice
Impact: Shared group folders are not available

Due to unknown reasons, the shared Group Folders are currently not available.

We apologize for this inconvenience and are working on a solution. [...]

Maintenance: UMG network
in Network, Operating news

Message-Id: 201608011510
Time: August 9th, 2016, 5:00-6:30 p.m.
Affected: UMG employees
Impact: No external network connections

Due to replacement of an important network component all network connections between UMG and the rest of the University as well as GWDG and [...]

Update of the Exchange environment
in Operating news

Message-ID: 201608011123
Time: 03.08.2016
Affected: Exchange environemnt
Impact: none

On wednesday, parts of the Exchange environment will be updated. This will not affect the mailing service. [...]


