Warning: Phishing-Mails im Umlauf 15. April 2016, 8:10
in Operating news

Meldungsnummer: 201604150820
Zeitraum: 15.04.2016, 08:20 Uhr
Betroffen: Alle Nutzer der GWDG
Auswirkungen: Zugangsdaten der Nutzer können ausgespäht werden

Es sind zur Zeit wieder E-Mails im Umlauf, die vorgeben von der GWDG bzw. der Universität Göttingen verschickt [...]

Maintenance completed: SharePoint maintenance
in Operating news

Message-ID: 201604051430
Time: 14.04.2016, 5:00 p.m. – 14.04.2016 8:30 p.m.
Affected: SharePoint farm
Impact: All SiteColllections were temporarily not available

SharePoint maintenance

As announced GWDG SharePoint Farm maintenance has been carried out and has successfully been finished. All site collections [...]

Malfunction: FreeBSD Server samba.gwdg.de und gwdg-print.gwdg.de
in Operating news

Message-ID:  201604141045
Time: 14.04.2016, 10:45 a.m.
Affected: samba server samba.gwdg.de and gwdg-print.gwdg.de
Impact: All SAMBA shares (printers and UNIX home directories) located on samba.gwdg.de and gwdg-print.gwdg.de

Currently the access to SAMBA Shares through samba.gwdg.de and gwdg-print.gwdg.de including printers and UNIX [...]

Maintenance: windowsserver in case of Badlock Bugs
in Operating news

Message-Id:  201604121950
Time: 12.04.2016, 19:50 Uhr
Affected: Samba-Server, Exchange environment, Windows-Fileserver, Active Directory and connected services
Impact: brief interruptions

Aufgrund der Offenlegung des Badlock-Bugs in Samba und Windows-Systemen, werden zur Zeit alle betroffenen Systeme mit Sicherheitsupdates versorgt und neu gestartet. [...]

Malfunction: Stud.IP not avaible
in Operating news

Message-Id: 201604121727
Time: 12.04.2016, 5:27 pm
Affected: Stud.IP
Impact: not avaible

Stud.IP steht z.Zt. leider nicht zur Verfügung. Wir arbeiten intensiv an der Fehlersuche und -beseitigung. [...]

GWDG Cloud used for research published in Nature
in Cloud, Top News

EGI newest case study comes from a paper published in “Nature” in January.

This case study shows, how bioinformatician Konrad Förstner, from the University of Würzburg in Germany, and his team used EGI Federated Cloud resources to investigate the genetic


April issue of the GWDG News published
in Top News

The April issue of the GWDG News has just been published.

It contains among others the following Topics:

  • Registration Requirement for the UNIX Mail Services
  • projects.gwdg.de migrates to OpenProject
  • Single Sign-On Infrastructure
  • Plagiarism Prevention Services
  • First Aid for the First

Project “Unified Staff Account” successfully started
in Top News

Despite its complexity and the large number of dependencies, the project „Unified Staff Account“ starts successfully and without any significant problems on April 4th, 2016.

“Unified Staff Account” … What does it mean?

It is a common project of the [...]

Maintenance: SharePoint Maintenance on 14.04.2016
in Operating news

Message-ID: 201604051430
Time: 14.04.2016, 5:00 p.m. – 14.04.2016 7:00 p.m.
Affected: SharePoint farm
Impact: All SiteColllections will not be available

SharePoint maintenance

Between 14.04.2016, 5:00 p.m and approx. 7:00 p.m. the GWDG SharePoint farm will be under maintenance and may


Maintenance: FreeBSD Server on 07.04.2016
in Operating news

Message-ID: 201604050910
Time: 07.04.2016, 5:00 p.m. – 07.04.2016 7:00 p.m.
Affected: FreeBSD server
Impact: Print service and Samba server not available for short-term

Between 07.04.2016, 5:00 p.m and approx. 7:00 p.m. the following services will be under maintenance and may



