Information: Data centre closed on 01.05.2016
in Operating news

Message-Id: 201604290735
Time: 01.05.2016
Affected: Customers of GWDG
Impact: Data centre closed and service hotline not available by phone

The data centre of the GWDG is closed on 01.05.2016. We kindly ask all users to take this into account. [...]

Maintenance completed: SharePoint maintenance
in Operating news

Message-ID: 201604261323
Time: 28.04.2016, 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Affected: SharePoint farm
Impact: All SiteColllections were temporarily not available

SharePoint maintenance

As announced GWDG SharePoint Farm maintenance has been carried out and has successfully been finished. All site collections are [...]

Maintenance completed: Network switch
in Operating news

Message-ID: 201604251412
Time: 28.04.2016, 5:00 p.m. – 28.04.2016 6:00 p.m.
Affected: Active Directory login, Windows fileservice, Georoc, Georem, roXtra, Winline
Impact: Windows login, personal drives (P:), upload the profiles when logging and following services: Georoc, Georem, roXtra, Winline are available [...]

Additional Maintenance: GWDG Website
in Operating news

Message-Id: 201604260856
Time: 28.04.2016, 07:00 Uhr – 07:30 Uhr
Affected: The main website
Impact: Website unavailable

After updating our website this morning the password change is sporadically not working. For this reason, an second update will be performed during the [...]

Listserver maintenance on 02.05.2016
in Operating news

Message-Id: 201604281125
Time: May 2nd, 2016, 8:00 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.
Affected: Listserver
Impact: Delays sending e-mails with listserv

On Monday May 2 between 8:00 and 9:00 a.m. the listserver service can be affected by urgent software updates. [...]

Maintenance: Urgent SharePoint Maintenance on 28.04.2016
in Operating news

Message-ID: 201604261323
Time: 28.04.2016, 5:00 p.m. – 28.04.2016 7:00 p.m.
Affected: SharePoint farm
Impact: All SiteColllections will not be available

SharePoint maintenance

The GWDG SharePoint farm will be under maintenance and may be not available. This will affect all Site-Collections [...]

Maintenance: GWDG Website
in Operating news

Message-Id: 201604260856
Time: 28.04.2016, 07:00 Uhr – 07:30 Uhr
Affected: The main website
Impact: Website unavailable

We will perform a minor update on the GWDG website ( on Thursday, 28.04.2016, between 07:00 and 07:30 o’clock. During the update [...]

Maintenance: Network switch
in Operating news

Message-ID: 201604251412
Time: 28.04.2016, 5:00 p.m. – 28.04.2016 7:00 p.m.
Affected: Active Directory login, Windows fileservice, Georoc, Georem, roXtra, Winline
Impact: Windows login, personal drives (P:), upload the profiles when logging and interrupts the following services: Georoc, Georem, roXtra, Winline. [...]

Update: Fileservice gwdu05
in Operating news

Message-ID: 201604220930
Time:  since 21.04.2016, 16:00 Uhr
Affected: HPC cluster, users on gwdu05
Impact: partial access failures on homedirectories of HPC users

uni05 is fully available in the backend since this morning. [...]

Maintenance completed: SharePoint maintenance
in Operating news

Message-ID: 201604221155
Time: 24.04.2016, 2:00 p.m. – 24.04.2016 8:00 p.m.
Affected: SharePoint farm
Impact: All SiteColllections were temporarily not available

SharePoint maintenance

As announced GWDG SharePoint Farm maintenance has been carried out and has successfully been finished. All site collections [...]

Update: Fileservice gwdu05
in Fileservice, Operating news

Message-ID: 201604220930
Time:  since 21.04.2016, 16:00 Uhr
Affected: HPC cluster, users on gwdu05
Impact: partial access failures on homedirectories of HPC users

The troubleshooting of the filesystem UNI05 is progressing, but will most probably take until Monday. About 190 of [...]

Maintenance: SharePoint Maintenance on 24.04.2016
in Operating news

Message-ID: 201604221155
Time: 24.04.2016, 2:00 p.m. – 24.04.2016 8:00 p.m.
Affected: SharePoint farm
Impact: All SiteColllections will not be available for approximately 5 minutes

SharePoint maintenance

Between 24.04.2016, 2:00 p.m and approx. 8:00 p.m. the GWDG SharePoint farm will be [...]

Malfunction: Fileservice gwdu05
in Operating news

Meldungsnummer:  201604220930
Zeitraum: 22.04.2016, 09:30 Uhr
Betroffen: Parallelrechner, Benutzer von gwdu05
Auswirkungen: teilweise Ausfälle der Homedirectory von Benutzer der Parallelrechner

 Teilweise Ausfälle der Homedirectory von Benutzer der Parallelrechner auf gwdu05. [...]

Malfunction: uni05 HPC file system
in Operating news

Message-No:  201604201705
Time: April 20th, 2016, 5:00 p.m.
Affected: University HPC users
Impact: HPC cluster cannot be used

Due to a failure of the file system /home/uni05 users of the university can currently not access the HPC systems. We are  [...]

Malfunction: Anmeldeprobleme
in Operating news

Message-ID:  201604180900
Time: 18.04.2016, 09:00 Uhr
Affected: Anmeldung an Windows-Rechnern
Impact: Verzögerung bei der Anmeldung möglich

Aufgrund von Betriebssystem-Updates kann es zu Verzögerungen bei der Anmeldung am Computer kommen. [...]


