Two MATLAB Workshops in the GWDG Academy

We are happy to announce that MathWorks will be holding two MATLAB workshops in the scope of the GWDG Academy before the end of the year.

The first workshop “Speeding up your MATLAB Code on your local machine”, on Nov. 30th 2022, will focus on speeding up MATLAB on the desktop with Parallel Computing Toolbox. We will discuss best coding practices for performance in MATLAB, basic parallel programming constructs and GPU computing.

The second workshop “Speeding up your MATLAB Code on the GWDG SCC”, on Dec. 15th 2022, will focus on best practices for scaling MATLAB Code to the GWDG Scientific Computing Cluster. Attendees will learn how to configure MATLAB to submit jobs to the cluster, best practices for optimizing job submission as well as troubleshooting and debugging.

For further information, please do not hesitate to ask Dr. Vanessa End (


