Maintenance : VMware migration

Message-Id: 201903011310
Time: 7th of march, starting at 05:00
Affected: VMware users
Impact: All VMs in Silber-cluster have to be shut down


Dear VM-users

We are performing a migration to newer hardware on

* 7th of march, starting at 17:00 *

All VMs in “Silber”-cluster have to be shut down. They will be restarted after migration. Depending on the length of the shutdown/restart-cycle please expect an

* outage of ~ 2 mins per VM *


Should you identify VMs which are no longer needed this would be an opportunity for spring-cleaning! 🙂 Please make sure the VMware-tools are running in your VM, otherwise a clean shutdown cannot be performed. See

This migration is a preparation for a larger scale update and migration to a new vCenter which will occur shortly after this maintenance. We will inform about this in another email.


* FAQ: Which of my VMs are affected? *

vSphere-client: “View”->”Inventory”->” Hosts and Clusters” check “Silber” and press the “+” OR use the “virtual machines”-tab.

WebClient: “Home”->Tab “Home”->”Hosts and Clusters” and follow the instructions above.

* FAQ: what about the other VMs? *

They are already on new hardware and thus not affected.

* FAQ: Can I have my VMs migrated in advance? * Yes, please contact us via email.


Should you have any questions please contact


