On 06.06.2023, starting at 15:00, the opening symposium for the new “AI Service Center for Sensitive and Critical Infrastructures” (KISSKI) will take place at the Göttinger Rechenzentrum, Burckhardtweg 4.
KISSKI aims at researching artificial intelligence (AI) methods and providing them in a highly available service center. Particular focus is placed on the fields of energy and medicine with their high potential for AI-driven process optimization as well as the particularly high demands on the underlying hardware and software. KISSKI not only provides the corresponding IT infrastructure and develops AI services, but also offers comprehensive consulting and training services.
The new joint project, led by the University of Göttingen and comprising a total of seven research institutions at the Göttingen, Hannover and Kassel sites, will be funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) from November 2022 with 17 million euros for an initial period of three years. As part of pilot projects and to evaluate the concepts, KISSKI is open to research institutions and industry throughout Germany, especially SMEs and startups.
For organizational reasons and due to limited space, prior registration is required by 31.05.2023 at the latest.