We are currently seeing an increasing number of attempts to infect computers with the Emotet malware.
Since the attackers behind Emotet not only trying to infect individual computers but to infiltrate entire networks starting from a first infected computer, the malware is extremely dangerous. For example, the IT of the University of Gießen was offline by an Emotet attack from December 2019 on several weeks!
The attack takes place via e-mails containing links to the malware or directly an attachment with malware.
In order to protect against infections, we remind you of the basic rules for the safe handling of e-mails:
– Do not click on links, if you have not ensured that they are safe!
– Do not open attachments, if you have not ensured that they are safe!
You can find help to assess the danger on the website of the GWDG at
General information on e-mail security can be found at
Fewer IT-affine people should seek advice from IT experienced people in the local environment or through IT support from the IT service providers (GWDG, G3-7, Abteilung IT and local IT groups).