HPC maintenance downtime July 18th – July 19th

Meldungsnummer: 201607132000
Zeitraum: 7/18 – 7/19
Betroffen: Users of the HPC
Auswirkung: No access to HPC

Starting Monday, July 18th, we will conduct a required software
maintenance on the Scientific Compute Cluster. We will update many
system software components, which allows us to better accommodate new
hardware arriving end of July, and also implement several urgent fixes
to our home file system software. The maintenance work is expected to
last till Tuesday, July 19th.

During maintenance, connecting to the Scientific Compute Cluster will
not be possible and no jobs will be executed. Draining of the cluster
will commence Saturday, July 16th, using our usual procedure:

When a job is considered for dispatch, the requested walltime (-W) is
compared to the time remaining till maintenance begins. If the job can
be completed in that time frame, it will be dispatched, otherwise it
will remain pending until after the downtime.

We apologize for all inconveniences related to this maintenance!


