DLR super computer placed 135th in world ranking

The new super computer “CARO” of the German Aerospace Center (DLR) which is operated by the GWDG scored the 135th place in the TOP500 list of the fastest computing systems worldwide. During the test operation the high-performance compute cluster hit a performance of 3.46 PetaFLOPs. These 3.46 quadrillion compute operations per second equal about 10,000 times the performance of a common desktop computer.

“CARO” is the first high-performance computer in the new Göttingen data center, which was put into operation last summer. A team of five GWDG employees operates the cluster and supports its users. The scientists of DLR will utilize “CARO” for numerical simulations of future aeroplanes or wind parks. The official ceremonial commissioning will take place this spring.

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