Conference of the German AI service centers on Sep 18 & 19, 2024

On September 18 and 19, 2024, the first conference of the German AI Service Centers (KonKIS) will take place in Göttingen, to which we would like to cordially invite you. This year’s focus is on AI in healthcare and the energy industry. The conference is aimed at researchers and interested parties from science and industry, especially from small and medium-sized enterprises with a need for computing power and AI expertise.

The following contents await you:

  • Keynote talkes by Prof. Dr. Judith Simon (University of Hamburg), Prof. Dr. Astrid Nieße (University of Oldenburg) and Prof. Dr. Anne-Laure Boulesteix (LMU Munich)
  • Panel discussions on various topics
  • Scientific sessions and workshops
  • Panel on the topic “AI made in Germany – How do AI service centers accelerate the transfer of AI applications to companies?
  • Guided tours through the computing center Göttingen
  • Networking event to get in contact and exchange with multipliers, start-ups and the AI service centers
  • Exchange with the various AI service centers to learn more about our research, educational offers and existing resources that we make available to users

Registration and participation

We would like to draw the attention of start-ups and companies in the field of AI to the possibility of booking an exhibition stand as part of the networking event. Here you can introduce yourself to potential customers and researchers and make your company known.

Register now to participate – for the whole conference or just for the networking event. Submit an abstract for a presentation or poster or register an exhibition stand.

For more information, visit the conference website


